Monday, December 12, 2016

reflective post

Reflective writing is often viewed as an easy process because people just assume the only parameters regarding reflective writing center around spewing out information on what you believe and how you feel about a topic being covered. I totally disagree. In fact, American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer John Dewey expressed it best when he explained that “We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.”
'Fortunately, I learn from my mistakes. Unfortunately, I've been sentenced to life with no parole.'    
As such, my reflection on this course, EME 2040 Introduction to Technology for Educators, focuses a little deeper than merely what I feel about three components: what I liked about the course, what I can take away from the course, and finally, how the course structure can be improved upon to make the experience better for another group of learners.
Firstly, I think this class was filled with a host of positive elements. The best being the actual book, Transforming Learning with New Technologies. It was a great resource. The format of the chapters were easy to understand and they linearly progressed in a method that made sense for a future teacher to follow in their new journey to becoming an experienced teacher. For example, chapter one starts out exploring what it means to becoming a twenty-first century teacher; whereas in juxtaposition, the last chapter, chapter twelve, takes all the knowledge gained throughout the book and explore how to use it in order to create change as a teacher who leads in integrating technology into the classroom. Also, within each chapter in the book there are tech tools and web resources that focus on the chapters’ concept. Chapter nine, was by far the most useful. I found many tools that I can use as a physical education teacher versus other tools outlined in other chapters that pertained mostly to other academic concentrations. I think the lightbulb finally went off in this chapter and I understood that “…there is an educational advantage to using multimedia…” (Malloy) Additionally, I liked the actual set up of the online component of the course. The consistent due dates, the assignment rubrics, and the tutorial videos all aided in making the class assignments easy to navigate. Knowing exactly what was expected and having the ability to self-assess my work as I progressed through it, left the guess work out of knowing what it took to be successful. The use of rubrics used to outline all of the course assignments and assigning a project where a rubric had to be made, placed student learners on both sides of the equation in experiencing just how beneficial rubrics are. Independently, I thumb nailed the site iRubric because it was one of the better sites that offered access to hundreds of pre-made and blank rubric templates.  Lastly, the aspect of the discussion board was great because it offered varying viewpoints on different subject matters. Specifically, I found solace in many of Richard’s responses as they often mimicked my own train of thought. However, even more gratifying was that I learned, if not even more, from discussion posts from group members like Jamie’s whose perspectives sometimes differed from what I initially thought. Being able to dive into the different viewpoints while experiencing an atmosphere of respect, was refreshing. All of these components contributed greatly to what I loved about the class.
Secondly, experiencing a multitude of different tools during this course has allowed me to walk away with a lot of different resources I can use in my future career as a teacher. First of all, I cannot say enough about how I feel far more comfortable navigating tech tools as opposed to when I first experienced them. By feeling more comfortable, I will be able to better share the benefits of these tech tools with my students in the future. I am no longer limited. Who knew that there were countless ways to access mastery of concepts beyond the use of paper and pencil? Moreover, I am definitely going to be able to walk away with a little bit more knowledge about the downsides to technology integration into the classroom. In actuality, chapter 5, Teaching Information Literacy and Digital Citizenship, provided powerful knowledge necessary to make technology a positive instrument to use because it should readers that even if teachers learn a million and one tools to integrate technology into their classrooms, if they are not aware of how to keep safety and relevance into learning concepts, the integration of technology becomes mute. As such, teachers must familiarize themselves with strategies of success. One such article I will keep pinned near me to reference was written in the Learning & Leading with Technology journal entitled Digital Citizenship: Addressing Appropriate Technology Behavior. This is a great reference article to help streamline success with the usage of technology in the classroom.
Finally, true reflection cannot fully happen if the reflection does not take a look at things that can be improved upon. For me, a point of frustration and minimal learning happened during the process of the Instructional Strategy Wiki group project. Having so many people responsible for so many different components of an assignment proved frustration and in that frustration my only goal was not to learn anything, but to get done as quickly as possible and rid myself of the headache. The lack of communication and the varied work ethics from different members only took away from the overall objective of the assignment. Additionally, not having check points for the teacher to stay abreast with the progression of all members, left participants who cared about their grades in an uncomfortable position where they had to either “tattle” to the instructor or pick up the slack. So, as I reflect on this problem, I must offer up a solution because for me, reflection is only successful when we can use it to make changes based upon what you’ve learned. Thus, without ironing out all the details, I believe that the Wiki project should be an individual assignment. In this process one or two students can be given a topic to construct. Then each individual construction can be pooled together into an overall class Wiki page. With that, students are able to practice the assignments goals, contribute to a larger assignment as a whole, and not be slated for the downfalls of others. Lastly, I think that the repetitious approach to the group discussion posts could be improved upon. Although I loved reading through varying ideas, sometimes it became automatic to find the person(s) you share ideologies with and respond to them. Too easy, I thought! My solution would be to look at implementing one of the two methods: assigned pairing or teacher lead response. With assigned pairing, the instructor could change up weekly mini groups of 3 or 4 people and have students reflect only on the discussions of the members within their mini group for that particular week. Similarly, the discussions can be changed up a little through the use of a teacher lead discussions. My train of though is that the professor could use one of the response requirements to post a thought, question, quote, situation, etc., regarding the required reading of that week and let everyone respond to that specific post. With this, participants would be able to see everyone’s thoughts on a particular concept as opposed to migrating to posts that closely mimic their own. When all is said in done, it is important for me to clarify that neither of these areas of dissension overpowered the benefits of the course. In the end, the class was well structured, the atmosphere was professional and the information was unbelievably beneficial.

ERIC - Digital Citizenship: Addressing Appropriate Technology Behavior, Learning & Leading with Technology, 2004-Sep. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2016, from
IRubric home. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2016, from
Life-imprisonment Cartoons and Comics. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2016, from

Maloy, Robert W. Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology is the focus of chapter four. Specifically, for me, three of the strongest focuses found in the chapter centered on how technology can help with lesson planning, the different applications available to help teachers, and the various assessment options available for teachers to use.

Firstly, lesson planning is an unavoidable part of teaching. The task, especially for new teachers, seems frightening. What is encouraging is knowing that when lesson plans are correctly drafted it produces a win-win situation for the students and the teacher. “Plans and assessments are indispensable road maps that chart the course and direct the learning for students and teachers.” For me, the time element seems the most positive aspect of lesson planning. I mean, most classes are only 45 minutes long and in that short time there are so many other things to do other than teach curriculum-based information. Teachers have to take attendance, collect work, distribute work, deal with late students, stop disruptive behavior, deal with outside interruptions, and so much more. If a teacher has a lesson plan available it helps to give time for such disturbances. To make this process easier, it’s nice to know that there are countless electronic resources available to help support, guide, and develop lesson plans. As such, some of the web resources offered in the chapter have a lot of good ideas for teachers to use to build lessons around; however, most of the mentioned websites centered on core courses: English, Math, Science, and the Social Studies. Out of all the sites I actually logged into, only one of them, PBS Teachers, offered guidance in the area of health and fitness, for physical education lesson planning. However, I am glad that I decided to extend my research beyond what the book offered. In fact, I think one of the websites I discovered, HotChalk Lesson Plans, offers better resources for lesson planning for secondary physical education majors than does the PBS web resource mentioned in the chapter. I think, using resources already available that other teachers have used and has proven works, will make the art of lesson planning much easier.

Moreover, it is not only important to plan lessons to maximize learning, but it is just as necessary to deliver those lessons in a way that will have a maximum impact on student learning. Technology helps that to happen. Within the chapter, I learned about many application available to teachers and students alike that can help improve the teaching and learning process. From iBooks to technology based reinforcement games like BrainPop Video and Children TV, lessons can move from the old school tradition of books, paper, and pencil to a more exciting way of technology integration. For example, I had a teacher in high school English who had been teaching for 28 years. Mrs. Pop, because no one knew how to spell her last name, was an amazing person; however, she was boring! Her lessons consisted of lecture, notes she wrote on a white board, we copied, and then distributed handouts to complete and turn in. Now, I’m not saying I didn’t learn anything, but I can truly say that Sophomore English with Mrs. Webster was far better. Instead of copying notes and missing half of what was being said because I was writing, she was able to use technology to generate PowerPoints, make side notes and comments generated during class discussions, and give them out as handouts. Also, having access to our COW, Computers On Wheels, gave everyone an opportunity to access information immediately versus having to wait to get home and running the risk of forgetting the information. What I think I will like to implement in my own classroom beyond the common tools available in most classrooms are the computer game based assessment applications. I don’t think tests have to be boring. I think, I want to be the kind of teacher who knows if my students got it or not by having them engage in practical assessments that take the pressure off of structured testing modes. For example, Brain Pop offers over 21 different game resources to teachers who teach health and fitness and they are only one of many application available. Kahoot, Zaption, Plickers, and Chatzy are a few others that are available to turn assessing into fun.

Lastly, with the mention of assessments, it is important to understand that students must and should be assessed. How can a teacher judge whether they were successful in delivering a concept if there is no assessment? What I gained from reading this chapter is that technology opens the doors with how assessing can be accomplished. With the state governing so much of student success and learning gains, teachers must drive curriculum so that students can stand a fighting chance of succeeding on state mandated tests. However, teachers can do this by not simply teaching to the test, but by making the information and the delivery of that information so memorable that the concepts are embedded and learned not memorized for a moment only to be forgotten under pressure. I think it is important to assess throughout lessons, making sure everyone has a grasp on one concept before moving on to another. How can I teach how to shoot a ball in basketball, if students haven’t learned what the rules are first? Learning is on-going and accessing should be also. It is important to remember that testing offers students a taste of the real world. In college and in the work field students will be accessed in various ways, so why not expose them early to that reality of differentiated assessments? Also important is the tools used to record assessments. I think any software that allows students to access their grades quickly and consistently is a great software program. Electronic grading systems, even in the moment electronic tools like Grade Pro, allow for students to know what is always going on with their grades and their individual degree of understanding of specific concepts.

In the end, computers and on-line resources can help in the three phases of the teaching/learning process. Technology can help with lesson design, delivery, and assessment. As soon to be new teachers, on-line resources are vital in making the transition into the career field easier.

Work Cited
"Find a Plan." HotChalk Lesson Plans Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.

"Kahoot." Kahoot. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.

Maloy, Robert W. Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. 

Chapter 12, Integrating Technology and Creating Change as Teacher Leaders was the best teacher centered chapter encountered as of yet throughout the book. The chapter’s focus addressed how education has changes, the roles technology has played in that change, and finally the things teachers need to do in order to make sure they are on par with the innovate changes that have come by way of technology. Three concepts that I found interesting in the chapter was the look into the different issues present in integrating technology into the classroom, the issues with digital inequalities and the participation gap, and finally a teachers’ role in becoming a technology-leading teacher.
Firstly, the concept that there are different issues present in integrating technology into the classroom is not a new concept. However, what I did find new and informative was the fact that most schools, whether serving affluent or lower income students, possess various technology tools, but they are not used as enhancement tools, but rather as side bars to lessons. I think the overview of the 6 issues was important, but the most powerful was the concept that teachers were either unwilling or unable to make changes that infused technology. Truthfully speaking, I can understand. I’m torn with this concept also. I personally, being the type of creature that feels like when something works why change it, tackles with the idea of fixing something that is not broken. So, when I look at the idea that experienced teachers who have found success in lessons aren’t too eager to change the lesson, I’m torn. I know that technology integration is best for maximum student learner, but I’ve touched on this before, some of the smartest people I know were not raised in the era of technology integration and they learned very well. Moreover, I understand “…teachers who resist change are not rejecting the need for change but are often expected to lead developments when they are given insufficient long-term opportunities to make sense of the new technologies for themselves.” (Mumtaz, 2000) Yet, although these issues and concepts are prevalent, I am equally aware that when used properly into everyday activities, lessons come to life. I guess that’s when I need to remember that students are different, learning is different, and what worked before doesn’t mean it won’t work now. Specifically, I think in order to get teachers to not be as torn as I am, they should be offered technology training and opportunities to shadow teachers that have infused technology into everyday lessons. I think if they see that they are not alone in their aversions and they receive guidance on learning how to make the shift, they may be less reluctant to change the ways of the old.
Secondly, the issue with digital inequalities and the participation gap isn’t something new either. There have been and will always be the ‘have’ and ‘have nots’. So, how, as teachers, do we minimize the impact of this divide? I say the answer lies in understanding it exists. When we, as teachers, understand that it exists we can employ different strategies to minimize its impact. For example, we can craft lessons where students are paired together with students who have more access to technology on a regular basis and make them student teachers for the day. The students who don’t have regular access can navigate the computer while teaching a lesson, yet they have someone who is able to help them when they fall into areas of difficulties with navigational skills. Also, there could be added time allotted for students who don’t have computer access outside of school to come before school, during an elective period, lunch, or after school. Additionally, students, both those that have and those that do not have, can still learn about technology use through seeing teachers use it seamlessly in their everyday teachings. Although this may not give them hands on usage, the continued observation will only help to acclimate them to the possible advantages technology does provide.
Finally, becoming a technology-leading teacher may not be easy, but it is necessary. I like the idea that the chapter outlined that leadership does not have to happen through years of teaching experience or by having a specifically defined role. What is nice to understand is that, even as a new and upcoming teacher, I have the power to lead. First, in my classroom by the choices I make with deciding what to teach my students and how to teach it. Then, secondly, by creating and joining communities that recognize the effectiveness of technology integration. Finally, teachers can become great leaders by joining professional organizations. This allows teachers the opportunity to share, learn, borrow, and access hundreds of ideas of technology integration.
In the end, I’m not saying that I am 100% vested in including technology in all aspects of education as of yet. What I can attest to is the fact that I am absolutely aware that my hesitation stems mainly from the fact that I have my own discomfort with understanding and using technology seamlessly. Throughout my continued education, I know that I am learning more and more ways of integrating technology into the classroom and more importantly, I know that “change starts with the individual teacher, who, upon catching the vision, is willing to take risks…” (Earle, 2002) As such, because study after study  has proven that “Technology offers opportunities for learner-control, increased motivation, connections to the real world, and data-driven assessments tied to content standards…” I know that I must not only learn to integrate technology, but also believe in its power so its maximum potential is delivered by me to my students. With continued education and continued practice with using technology, I believe I will get to a place where I feel very comfortable integrating it into my classroom lessons.  

Earle, R. S. (2002). The integration of instructional technology into public education: Promises     and challenges. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY-SADDLE BROOK THEN   ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS NJ-42(1), 5-13.
Mumtaz, S. (2000). Factors affecting teachers' use of information and communications      technology: A review of the literature. Journal of Information Techology for Teacher             Education, 9(3), 319-342. doi:10.1080/14759390000200096

Maloy, Robert W. Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2011. Print